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2024 Projects & Initiatives:

The Pines Project

In 2022, the Rino Foundation and with in country partners, broke ground on a new sustainable community in Jinotega, Nicaragua to provide twenty-six families who work in the city dump looking for recyclables in order to feed their children.

The Pines Project consist of 26 secure homes with personal bathrooms for each family, a medical clinic, local church, access to clean water, solar lights, a large playground and more. 

Having a place to call ‘Home’ is more than a physical structure, it provides comfort, dignity and security!

If you, your church, business or nonprofit would like to assist with this holistic project please email:

The Gift of Play Nicaragua + Honduras

The Rino Foundation, with the support of local churches in the USA plan to expand our Gift of Play Initiative throughout Nicaragua and Honduras. In cooperation with our partners, Feed The Hungry Nicaragua and Honduras, Kids Around The World, several communities have already received large playgrounds, but there are many more children are in need of a safe place to gather with their friends, develop motor skills, and the simply be kids while living in stressful environments.

Protégé Global | Leadership Intensive

A One Day, Pastors and Leadership development intensive uniquely design to train and equip pastors and leaders Do practical, debacle and transformational teaching and instruction. 

Our objective is to further develop pastors and leaders in a variety of areas and capacities within the local church and community. 

We purpose to train each participant to maximize their God-given leadership gift in order to achieve gods calling an assignment on their lives. 

Operation | Matt16:18

Building churches for flourishing faith communities! 

We have done our due diligence and designated four locations that desperately need a physical location to gather believers as a Christian community. Two in the city of Estelí and two in the jungles in the northeast corner of Nicaragua to reach and disciple the Mayangua and Meskitos tribe. 

Worthy | A Women’s Empowerment Program

Working throughout Latin America we have discovered women are often marginalized on many levels. 

Women are prevented from conducting business without a male representative, be it father, brother, husband, legal agent, or even son. Married women could not exercise control over their own children without the permission of their husbands. Moreover, women had little or no access to education and were barred from most professions.

As a result of our first-hand experience, Rino Foundation has launched ‘Worthy - An Intensive Discipleship Program, focusing on three main points:

a) Women are Valuable - God deems every women as worthy of His love and forgiveness.
b) Women are Resilient - Women are stronger then they look and feel because of God’s strength and grace. 
c) Women have Purpose & Potential - God has a plan and purpose for their lives, without limits.  

By creating a safe space, women shared their stories of feeling trapped, unseen and unheard at home and within the larger community. 

After a very days of sharing God’s view of women, providing personal care training, beauty tips, taking them on an excursion and prayer, the impact has been astonishing. 

In addition to the Intensive, virtual groups are being established to continue the friendships that have been forged. 

If you would like to sponsor a woman to attend a Worthy Intensive, or volunteer to be a small group leader on one of our upcoming trips, email 

Homes for Hope | Honduras

High in the mountains of Central Honduras, there is an indigenous ethnic group called the Tolupanes. They live mostly in huts, made of mud, sticks, torn tarps and a roof constructed of manaca (A kind of leaf obtain from a palm) and a dirt floor. 

Families sleep on the dirt floors or wooden planks huddled together trying to stay warm. It’s here in these mountains that we sense a call to build secure, adequate homes for Tolupanes and a few other communities on the mountain.

Our goal is to provide 24 families with a safe, secure place to live and call home. These families are at risk due to these conditions, with the lack of clean water insecurity, makes it extremely vulnerable to sickness and other factors.